Saturday, December 15, 2012


  Hercules NYC presents our good friend Dominic Serendip and his Lucid gang, THEBLKHANDS . We've had the pleasure of seeing them grow into an incredibly dope and very versatile Rap trio which is rapidly captivating the attention of many in the music industry. They Have done outstanding music featuring big names in rap today like Big K.R.I.T and Three 6 Mafia .  Their newest single reiterates their ability to create incredible music with incredible substance and passion . Let us speak no more, take a listen. Enjoy.

 We are very proud to present " THEBLKHANDS ft. Jay Saif "RICH&FAMOUS" "


To listen to more of their dope music , and get FREE DOWNLOADS, follow this link!

remember to LIKE them on facebook.

Friday, December 7, 2012


What if I told you that you can help save the world and it didn't involve you going green? Well as we all know the mayans have decided our fate and the world is going to end very soon -- the devastation!

Click HERE to play!


Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Trevor Paglen - The Last Pictures Project

Since 1963, more than eight hundred spacecraft have been launched into geosynchronous orbit, forming a man-made ring of satellites around the Earth. These satellites are destined to become one of the longest-lasting artifacts of human civilization, quietly floating through space long after every trace of humanity has disappeared from the planet.

Trevor Paglen’s The Last Pictures is a project that marks one of these spacecraft with a visual record of our contemporary historical moment. Paglen spent five years interviewing scientists, artists, anthropologists, and philosophers to consider what such a cultural mark should be. Working with materials scientists at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Paglen developed an artifact designed to last billions of years—an ultra-archival disc, micro-etched with one hundred photographs and encased in a gold-plated shell. In Fall 2012, the communications satellite EchoStar XVI will launch into geostationary orbit with the disc mounted to its anti-earth deck. While the satellite’s broadcast images are as fleeting as the light-speed radio waves they travel on, The Last Pictures will remain in outer space slowly circling the Earth until the Earth itself is no more.

Trevor Paglen - The Last Pictures Project Video from Creative Time on Vimeo.

Via ; Creative Time

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

All Landings at San Diego Int Airport from 10:30 to 3pm

                                                                    IMAGINE JFK...


Friday, November 23, 2012

Alex Fowkes for SONY ; The SONY music Timeline

    The Sony Music Timeline celebrates 125 years of musical history covering almost 150 square meters of wall space in Sony’s Derry Street offices. Using just CNC cut vinyl as the sole medium, 54 columns measuring over 2 meters tall cover feature nearly 1000 of Sony Music’s signed artists from 1887 to the present day.
Art by Alex Fowkes


via Adove

Friday, November 16, 2012

Hercules NYC presents; IAN LEVY "Wire" Ft. Trey Won Kim

Hercules NYC is proud to present Ian Levy's new project entitled "Wire" ft. Trey Won Kim.

  Ian's ability to combine poetry, story telling , feeling and passion is very unique, and very much moving. This combination of alpha characteristics is what gives Ian his unique voice in the world of Hip-Hop which nowadays is plagued with poor lyricism .
  We were lucky to meet Ian earlier in his music career, when he had just released his LP entitled "The Hourglass". All we have to say is that Ian Levy is different from the rest, and we feel a deep connection with his music. Thus we present to you, Ian Levy's new project :WIRE

(Photograph By Hercules NYC)


Friday, November 2, 2012

What if money was no object?

Ask yourself. What would you do with your life if money was no object? An amazing lecture from the late Alan Watts.


Monday, October 29, 2012

New York ; Day and night... at the SAME TIME

                 One of the coolest videos floating around is called "New York; Night and Day". It's a surreal movie which combines video shots taken at the same place during the day and during the night, . The outcome is by far, very captivating.


From the fantastic Animator and Director Philip Stockton , "New York: Night and Day is a combination of non-traditional video time lapse and animation. I filmed day and night scenes from around New York City and combined back into single sequences using rotoscoping techniques. The piece explores the relationships between night and day, by compositing together scenes shot in the same location over a time period ranging from 6 to 12 hours. I hope you enjoy it"     

Steve Jobs Talk 1983 - Center for Design Innovation

    If you want to hear some uplifting predicament from the Man of the century, here is your chance. Click On the Blue title below . ENJOY!

                                     Steve Jobs Talk 1983 - Center for Design Innovation

Monday, October 15, 2012


Tired of your same old voicemail greeting? Want to have a legitimate reason for not picking up the phone? just plain bored? If you answered yes to ant of these questions you should definitely click the link below. Isaiah Mustafa, popular for the Old Spice commercials, will say why you cannot come to the phone. I personally tried it and it's just awesome!!


In case you didn't know how awesome Mustafa sounds:


Frank Sinatra morning

It's one of those kinds of mornings. Good morning.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Tim Noble & Sue Webster

The Artists Tim Noble & Sue Webster have done it again. This project entitled "nihilistic optimistic" is a very complex project that reflects light past a bunch of "discarded wood" and other materials. At first sight (without a light reflector), one might look at these compositions and simply compare them as a simple pile of garbage, but once reflected, these give off such an inspiring shade of life. It is truly incredible!.

This exhibition is taking place at the Blain Southern Gallery in London, if you're around, you should go check it out!

all pictures are copyrighted
© peter mallet

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Sentry and Ragnarok

From a review posted on The Record Stache "Ragnarok's goal is to use their skills to take down the current hierarchy of the rap game, and with a name that refers to ancient Norse mythology describing the last great battle of the reigning gods, Ragnarok is probably the most metal group in hip hop. I'm down with that."

 My good friend Sentry and his gang at Ragnarok have established their own style, identity, and rhythm. You can tell their music is not just made to satisfy, but to also cultivate the minds of the audience with what sentry is all about. Would you like to find out what they're all about?, I'll tell you, but it's best you find out for your self;

This is RAGNAROK Crew

   Here is my good friend SENTRY  in "Lil Feet" (click on "lil feet" for free download)


I am proud to present his most recent Video with Sole grunt entitled 'NIFLHEIM'

                                              Click HERE for a free download of this song

                                         If you would like to know more about them, here it is ;

(this looks good on our blog, honestly)

Monday, October 8, 2012


Forbes calls this the "greatest action sport exploit yet"

 What is it?, well, the Red Bull Stratos project is Red Bull's 5 year long project that will send Australian sky diver Felix Baumgartner about 25 miles above the surface of the earth....and then he will free fall and break the speed of sound (no biggie) . Let me say that again . BREAK THE SPEED OF SOUND. his fall will be approximately 6 minutes.

 The record  jump before this one is took place just 19 miles above ground . This took place back in the 1960's

 This historic event will take place TOMORROW , Tuesday October 8 at  around 8 am (Eastern time). So tune in HERE for the live broadcast tomorrow people !

Here is the historic record jump by Col Joseph Kittinger

Here are some pictures of this future record breaking event;

finally, let me leave you with a video ;



                >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> HERE <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Saturday, October 6, 2012

The Artwork of John Lennon

     For Lennon's 72nd Birthday Yoko Ono has put together an art show that also supports charity. You can go and admire the artist's work while listening to classic Lennon/Beatle songs and even buy one of his original art pieces! "Imagine...there's no hunger", the motto of the art show, is clear to where the money is going. City Meals On Wheels will be collecting donations at the door. As for the art pieces themselves one can find Real Love pieces --which were drawings for his son Sean--, Bag One: 1969 pieces --which Lennon gave to Yoko on their wedding day--, Beatle Lyrics, Solo Lyrics, and many more. The price of the art is relatively fair ranging from $200 to $19,000. We were able to check out this art show and it was quite an experience. Unfortunately they didn't allow photography so we couldn't take pics for you guys but below are some of Lennon's great pieces. Even if you are a Lennon/Beatle fan or not I would recommend you to go check this out.  Information and schedules below:

FRI 10/5: NOON - 8 PM
SAT 10/6: NOON - 7 PM
SUN 10/7: 11 AM- 6 PM
MON 10/8: 11 AM - 6 PM
TUES 10/9 (JOHN'S 72ND BIRTHDAY): 11 AM - 6 PM



Imagine Self Portrait 

Erotic #6
Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds Lyrics
Human Notes
On Cloud 9

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


 This new app called Thinkinvisible is an amazing new concept made to make our brain work new puzzles in a completely different way. according to the creators;

"These are some pictures that make you think.. But not in a usual way! Think Invisible is a unique technique that can tur any picture into an optical illusion and at the same time -a simple yet fun game. The idea is based on the phenomenon invented by Gaetano Kanizsa to show the power of Gestalt psychology, which says that our brain has its own self-organizing tendencies"
